'You are richer than you think' is the tag line for one the banks here in Canada. Every time the ad comes on the TV, I think to myself, 'yeah right! nice way of fooling people into banking with you'. But after writing my blog post on Contentment yesterday, I think it is true. We all are richer than we think we are, if your reading this right now, you are. You are able enough to own a laptop or a PC or a smart phone or all of them, to access the Internet. Richness does not define the amount of money you have in your bank account, or how big a house you live in, or the fancy restaurants you eat in. How often we forget that the simple things in life that we take for granted, are actually luxury to millions of people around the world.
So I've decided to be grateful and thank God for the simple things I take for granted, and tell myself how 'Rich' I indeed am. So now you know what the title of the post means "30 Days of Thankfulness". I will be thanking God for one thing each day, for the next 30 days. I got this idea from the blog 'Nesting Place', the author does 31 day series to love his home the way it is. So, why not use it to thank God.
- Day 1: Shelter & Safety
- Day 2: Family
- Day 3: Friends
- Day 4: Memories
- Day 5: Health
- Day 6: Children
- Day 7: Song Writers
- Day 8: Jobs
- Day 9: Limitations
- Day 10: Creativity
- Day 11: Transportation
- Day 12: Inventors
- Day 13: Bible
- Day 14: Food
- Day 15: Role models
- Day 16: Music
- Day 17: Singing
- Day 18: Mornings
- Day 19: Sleep
- Day 20: Life lessons
- Day 21: Faith
- Day 22: Social workers
- Day 23: Missionaries
- Day 24: Nature
- Day 25: Laughter
- Day 26: Safety
- Day 27: Love
- Day 28: Spare change
- Day 29: Hope
- Day 30: