Thursday, November 29, 2012

Day 13: The Bible.

It does not matter what your going through to day, or what you feel - happy, sad, troubled, heart broken, hurt or confused. There is always this one book, The Bible that can comfort you and encourage you. I wanna thank God for the Bible, for the disciples and prophets who wrote them.

 "Your word is a lamp to my feet
and a light for my path." -Ps:119:105

Go to: Day 12 | 30 ays of Thankfulness| Day 14

Day 12: Inventors

Thanks to inventors for making life easier. Without inventions and technologies we would not be able to enjoy the luxuries we enjoy today. With a press of button you get cold/ hot air, water, heat up or cook food, cleaning has been made easier, talking or seeing people on the other side of the earth is possible, all because few people thought out of the box and invented stuff, even when they were ridiculed and laughed at. 


Day 11: Transportation

Thank God for transportation. Be it a short distance or across oceans, there is a mode of transport for everything. It connects and brings people together. It gives us a a sheltered and safe mode of transport in harsh weathers. So don't complain about the old car or scooter or bike you ride, it gets the job done, that's what really matters. If you still complain, try walking to work one day ;)

Day 10: Creativity

God bless the creative ones, what would the world be without them. When I come across DIY blogs I just stand in awe of the creative brains some people have. Here is one simple work of art, made of white tape.

Day 9: Limitations

 I never thought that limitations can be a blessing, until I read a blog saying that limitations cause creative solutions. Just have a look at some of the creative solutions people have come up with. Loose a drawer while moving, or found a old chest of drawers with few missing, don't fret, here are some clever ideas.

And what do you do when you find them? Clever eh?? :)

Life may throw a lot more limitations at you than just lost drawers. We cant do everything by our own strength, but we can with God's. Phil 4:13 - "I can do all things through Christ, Who strengthens me."


Day 8: Jobs

We need to thank God for the jobs we have. Sometimes, it does get stressful, but in this economy to have a job in our relevant field is a blessing. If you can pay all your bills with the single job you have, thank God for it.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Day 7: Song writers

I want to thank God for song writers. Those unsung heroes. We give credit to the people who perform the song, the music composers and the musicians, but often forget the heart of it all. These are the people who help us express our love, hate, joy, sorrow and every other emotion that we can think of. There are times when I'm so broken that I cannot even pray, but remember a song and think of it or sing it. Its amazing what wonderful words they come up with in the darkest moments of their lives. One famous song writer I can remember right now is Fanny Crosby, I saw a movie about her life two years ago and was amazed and challenged by her life. She wrote some of the famous hymns like "Blessed Assurance", "Pass Me Not, O Gentle Saviour","To God Be the Glory", " Safe in the arms of Jesus". These are just few of the thousands of hymns she has written. What makes her special? she was blind. It is amazing how she could love God so much in spite of her limitations. Some of the songs I love to sing when I can't pray are "I will sing" by Don Moen, "Not Forgotten" by Twila Paris and "Hold me Jesus" by Rich Mullins. Thank you Jesus for song writers, for the talents you give them. What would we do without them!

Day 6: Children

Children are a source of joy. Not just ours, but our nieces and nephews, neighbor's kids, friend's kids or those kids who travel in the bus with you. They all bring joy to us, even if its just 10 min bus ride. Children are the ideal human beings, they love, laugh, play, and sleep without worry. Talk about being brisk, when my son wakes up, he really wakes up, the moment he opens his eyes, he is up form the bed. All children are like that [or until they start school ;)] No lazying around in the bed and stretching or saying 5 more mins, unlike us grown ups :). Even Jesus says in the Bible that we need to be innocent like a child to enter His kingdom. 3And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven."  Mathew 18:1-3. So let us thank God for the children in our lives, who teach us and give us joy each day.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Day 5: Health

Health is one of those underrated blessings. We fail to realize how import health is to us, until we loose it. Everything we are able to do is because we are in good health. A person can loose everything and still build his life back up, but not if his health is lost. Being a wife and a mother now, I thank God for the good health I enjoy. It is important specially for the woman of the house to be healthy for all things to be smooth in the house. With so many sicknesses and diseases affecting millions of people and children, we need to thank God that He has spared us the pain and has granted us good health.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Day 4: Memories

Memories... we all have them. Some we cherish and some we hope they never happened. But God has taught me to embrace both. The good memories you cherish and enjoy. What do you do with a bad one? you accept what happened, and try to learn a lesson from it, and not repeat it. Believe you are stronger today because of it.  Personally I wonder what we would do without memories, we tend to look back and laugh at goofy moments, smile at good ones, curse ourselves for the foolish ones, tell ourselves never again at the bad ones and fondly remember the moments with loving people who have gone to be with the Lord. Wow, memories do keep us busy! I thank God for my memories, both the good and the bad :)

Day 3: Friends

Sorry I missed an entry yesterday cause I was really busy and tired.

Most of us don't realize how blessed we are to have friends. Just to be able to call up someone when your bored, or to count on someone when you need something done, is a real blessing. Of late I am coming across some really lonely people and realize how blessed I have been in the past and blessed I am now to have good friends. Personally I have been blessed with some amazing friends through every phase of my life. From school, to college, workplace, church and now here in Canada. For all my friends reading this, "Thank you, for being a good friend. For making me laugh, for patiently listening to me and for the timely advises". And thank you Jesus for bringing them into my life.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Day 2: Family

All of us take our families for granted. Or we did at some point in our lives. Be it your mom, dad, brother. sister or anyone, we have all felt embarrassed by them at some point, some of us hated them, thought we should have been born in a better family so on and so forth. What we fail to realize is that if we have a family, we are blessed. Ask a kid who has lost a father or a mother, the value of having them around. Or the ones who don't have any. This Sunday at church they were talking about adoption and that there were 30,000 orphan kids in Canada and they all need a home. They said that kids who grow up without families end up as cons, drug addicts or homeless on the streets for the rest of their lives. You can multiply the number of orphan kids by thousands in India. Children are left on the streets as unwanted or thrown into garbage. Well you and I had a home to grow up in, parents and siblings who loved us. Yes, parents fight with each other and yell at you, they are humans too. But when things get tough, parents do everything they can to keep everyone together. Next time you see a homeless kid on the road, thank God for your family.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Day 1: Shelter and Safety

The first thing that comes to my mind to thank God for is the roof over my head and the safety that I enjoy. With the weather going bizarre all over the world and people losing their homes and lives, I guess we need to be grateful that we do enjoy a safe and warm home, no matter how big or small it is. One thing commonly cribbed about is the homes we live in. But I can't help but think about all the homeless people on the roads and people living in the slums in huts. With all the storms going around, we need to thank God for the shelter we have and take comfort in. Home is where the heart is, let’s learn to love our homes no matter how big or small it is and be thankful for it.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

30 Days of Thankfulness

'You are richer than you think' is the tag line for one the banks here in Canada. Every time the ad comes on the TV, I think to myself, 'yeah right! nice way of fooling people into banking with you'. But after writing my blog post on Contentment  yesterday, I think it is true. We all are richer than we think we are, if your reading this right now, you are. You are able enough to own a laptop or a PC or a smart phone or all of them, to access the Internet. Richness does not define the amount of money you have in your bank account, or how big a house you live in, or the fancy restaurants you eat in. How often we forget that the simple things in life that we take for granted, are actually luxury to millions of people around the world. 

Taking time to be thankful for who we are and what we have, makes us realize how rich we indeed are. And that's what God tells us to do so too in the Bible (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18).

So I've decided to be grateful and thank God for the simple things I take for granted, and tell myself how 'Rich' I indeed am. So now you know what the title of the post means "30 Days of Thankfulness". I will be thanking God for one thing each day, for the next 30 days. I got this idea from the blog 'Nesting Place', the author does 31 day series to love his home the way it is. So, why not use it to thank God. 

  30 Days of Thankfulness
(I will fill the links of the post as I write each day)

Monday, October 29, 2012


'Contentment is not getting what you want, but being satisfied with what you have'

This one liner has been stuck in my head for more than a decade now. I was asked to make a poster with these words for one the annual Navodaya youth camp in 2001, and have remembered it ever since. Over the years, I've been learning more and more about contentment. The more I choose to be content, the more I am at peace. Now that I am a stay-at-home mommy, and my husband is the only person working, the need to be content is more :) and trust me, it is rewarding. But there are times when I do tend to sway by things and people around me, but God always reminds me 1Timothy6:6-11 from the Bible. But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that. Those who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction. 10 For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.11 But you, man of God, flee from all this, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness.

I am writing this post as reinforcement for myself about contentment. I recently came across a beautiful saying on a blog that I accidentally came across; yeah yeah I do a lot of 'accidental' reading. So the other day I started with a link on DIY and ended up clicking away as usual, form one link to another, making sounds of admiration and now and then. I love reading blogs on creative stuff, anything from home decor to DIY. I am inspired by creativity, the ideas that some people come up with are simply mind blowing.

 And then, something caught my attention. A saying by Jon Acuff and a comment in the blog 'The Shabby Creek Cottage' 

"The understanding that people are more important than things, the reminders about contentment, making the best of where we are at while realizing that this life is only temporary. So refreshing!" (Comment on the blog)

 How profound! Sometimes we simply start to feel inferior when we see some one's accomplishments or things. I think it’s one way of not being content with ourselves or what we have. We will never know how long and hard they had to work, to be where they are now, or have what they have now. 

Also, when we are content, it gives us an opportunity to see how much more we have and enjoy in life, when compared to the millions of people and children who die every day due to starvation and lack of basic essentials in life. 

God Bless.